24 Hour Hotline:

CASDDA trains and deploys dogs and their handlers for search and
rescue missions locally, nationally and internationally.

Winter wilderness search

Search dog in disaster search after the Mexico Earthquake

Search and Rescue Dog exiting an helicopter while on a wilderness search

Winter wilderness search
Proud Member of:

So they can live....

A partner to the
United Nations

Our Services
Are Free:
Call us:
CASDDA was born from a dream, from the union of a vision and a passion...
In a world torn by natural disasters, by discrimination and misunderstandings, we must stand up and give a hand, a smile, we must bring a little hope, a little love, a little help, and show the world that we are one.
Dogs, the kindest creatures God ever offered to humanity, were our passion. So they became our tools. With us and for us all, they train and work by day and by night, in the freezing cold and under the suffocating heat. They learn to recognize the human scent of those buried deep under rubble, under snow, they seek the one lost in the woods or fallen off a cliff. They travel across the world to offer their help whenever and wherever. No wind, no vibration of the earth, no language, no religion, no culture will stop them. They are there for you, reliable, loyal, whoever you are, wherever you are... “So you can live...”
is happy to report
16 positive Tests
To all the K-9s
& their Handlers
who were

CASDDA is an educational and charitable Not-For-Profit association
composed of unpaid professionals.
As a member of the IRO, a partner to the United Nations, CASDDA is able
to answer calls from family members, any individual in charge of an
ongoing search, and from relevant agencies and authorities.
Our Team is certified in wilderness, disaster and water searches, and
deploys for live and deceased victims.
CASDDA does not self-certify nor certify under friends or relations but
strictly under trained and certified International K-9 Search and Rescue
Judges assigned by the IRO.
In addition to its Search capacity, CASDDA includes an USAR Team and a Medical Team.
CASDDA imposes very strict requirements on its members whose
commitment and dedication are to be commended.